More on thread organization

Organizing threads is an on-going project…

My SplendoOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAr, Watercolors, and DMC flosses and perles are sorted by number, the rest are mostly by color and then by number. If I found a chart for color families, I have a copy with the threads.  Splendor, Silk & Ivory, Vineyard silks (these are the ones that come to mind) also have color family lists that I think you can find on line at their websites…I keep a copy of these also with the thread.

I also have color cards for many of my threads and these are stored hanging, in my old wooden toy bucket, or in a notebook (these are all my Rainbow Gallery threads).  I need to update these too.







Let me add a note here…I use and store my threads UNCUT, since I do some of my own finishing… I want to be able to pull the threads to use when making twists. I do not cut my Watercolours either but that is a post for another day. ThreadworX ( is one of the few threads I have that are cut; the other two that come to mind are Dimin Epic and Rosebud Studio Felicity’s Garden and that is because they have such great animal fur colors. Epic and Felicity’s Garden are stored by color.

Back to storage…Some of the threads are stored on rings in sweater boxes; these are mostly stored by color, then number on large rings; the exception to this is ThreadworX and they are stored by number.

Another added note: I use the Floss Keys; I got mine from YarnTree ( and Floss Pak bags to store yarns that I have begun to use on these rings.  If the skein or put-up  hasn’t been opened it hangs on the ring as is, but once I go to use it I wind it on a card.: I try to buy threads I know that have changes in their dye lots in pairs, so I will have two skeins of most colors. Once I wind one of these skeins on a floss Key I will store both in a Floss Pak bag. Once one of the skeins is completely or almost completely used I will buy two more hang them on the ring next to floss bag.

I also use the storage boxes I get at Hobby Lobby with my coupons; each box is labeled to the contents. Kreinik, DMC, Trebizond, Kreinik silks, Painter’s threads. Some others that I have limited colors are stored in these boxes too one for cool colors V-B-G and one for warm colors Y-O-R. These threads are stored by company , then by color, then by number;  I usually have less than two dozen of these threads per company…otherwise they would rate a box.  I always keep the label with the thread!  I make a template to store in the lid with number info for all these boxes.

All the DMC floss, #3 and #5 perle are stored in Hobby Lobby boxes. I use floss keys to wind the threads; each is specifically marked and is stored with the labels as well (I wind the thread over the labels.) The Floss Keys are marked not only with the color number on the top right but the type of thread on the top left: i.e. DMC (floss), DMC#3 or DMC#5.


I have some threads hanging on a wall but the sun does not hit them and they are mostly threads I have made samples of myself and some are discontinued or threads I do not use. I would not store threads here I plan to stitch with, there is too much of a chance they would fade or get dusty.


When I started this re-organization, I decided I also needed to update my inventory sheets. I have kept (and I use this term very loosely) a spread sheet of the different threads in my stash for years. I am not very good at remembering to update these files and so as I started the physical re-organization of my threads, I also took the time to update and re list threads in the spread sheets. DMC was the file I had semi kept the best and it was fairly easy to update. Some of the other threads I had listed all their colors even though I only had a partial inventory; so I made a second sheet within the spread sheet for the thread and called it “my threads” and the complete list is “master.” I moved the color info for only the threads I have in inventory to the “my threads” sheet. Now when I go to use threads I will be able to see if I need to fill in families (if info was available).

It took me a while to set up but it keeps me on track. I have been a poor record keeper and so I have some threads that I have kept buying because I was not sure I had them. I have 7 cards of #820 red Splendor; since this is a Christmas red I think several of these are probably from classes I have taken but I probably bought several too. I am from the school when in doubt, buy two. I have a few others of these and I did notice they are all in my comfort palette so I know I have purchased them more than once.

I have promised myself now that I am pretty thread organized both in storage and on paper I am going to keep it up. Will let you know at the end of the year how I feel I did. I have also bought a small loose leaf notebook (5.5×8.5″) that I am going to adapt the spreadsheets to fit, so when I am shopping I have it with me. Probably won’t work as well as I envision but we’ll see.

Storage and record keeping of threads is an ongoing thing and a personal thing. I think you have to look and listen to how others do theirs and then incorporate what works for you. AND then you have to be diligent about using your method.  I have a friend who gives or throws her threads away after every class or piece she stitches…she says it is more trouble and aggravation to remember where the threads are, to get them, and she never has all the right ones. There is too much Scotch blood in me for that…

Now that I have my threads in 85% order…it’s never completely finished, I am starting on all the stitch diagrams and stitch patterns I have collected and want to put in my computer. I know there are a great many stitch books out there and this is just for my benefit, don’t plan on writing a stitch book. But I have lots of stitches I have written down that I think could be developed into quick little designs.

Thank you for stopping by… I hope you find time to stitch today


Author: sudukc

I was taught that everyday you should learn something new, so I consider myself a needle artist in training. I may have more experience in some techniques than others. I can knit (if sqares count), crochet with some degree of accuracy, and beading but only enjoy peyote and bead embroidery techniques. I am most adept with a needle and thread; temari, cross stitch, stumpwork, learning goldwork and my favorite needlepoint. But I know there are needlepointers out there who have forgotten more than I will ever learn. I was a member of the American Needlepoint Guild (ANG) for over 20 years, have completed the Fellow Level of ANG Teacher certification. I have been a member of EGA and NETA but am not at present. I also love to stitch using my computer...I have done stitch diagrams for national teachers, needlework shops and my own business sd designs. Now I am retired, but I still do original designs but am not teaching any longer. In my other life, I am a wife, mother of 3 sons, GRANDmother to nine GRANDchildren (only 3 girls here) and a GREAT (only way this word will be used in same sentence with my name) Grandmother to 4 beautiful great grandchildren ( only one girl here too).

6 thoughts on “More on thread organization”

  1. How do you ever keep up with your organization….seems to me it would be never ending and would take up stitching time.

    1. It did not happen overnight. I had been working on the spreadsheets for a couple years. But when I started on the thread reorganization, I decided that this year I would get it completely organized. First you should know I had been quiet lax about putting threads away in 2015, so things were in a mess. I started after Christmas and made myself do at least one thread a day. I started with DMC and did floss, #3 and then #5 because I had the most of that stung about. I reorganized it and updated my spreadsheet. Took me about a week to do all, but from then on it was easy.

      I only worked for about 4 hours and then I would stitch in the evening.

  2. This is really impressive, Sue. I’m guessing you’re also organized by nature. The best I can do, given limited spare time, is to store threads in various sizes of baggies, organized by type, size (e.g., perle 12, 8, 5), and color family and put them in tubs. And I keep inventories on the computer, though I’m never caught up.

    1. Not really, but I think the older I get the more like my mother I am. She was supper organized and I have a friend that told me one time, “I fought being organized like my mother was, just to be stubborn.” I’m just organized in my threads, not much else…yet.

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