More catch up and then we are finished

Lucy canvas4 way tent stitchdouble-burden-a.jpgBurden stitchThis was the next post after almost one month of frustration.

January 10, 2008 post

Okay, one of these days I’m going to get the jest of bloging..but it probably won’t be today. I again have spent the better part of today trying to get my Flickr account to talk with my blog They must have had a falling out because they still are not speaking. Now supposedly you can use this URL to see my photos, but I am guaranteeing nothing:

There are some great photos and someday I will blog about them.

Today is Lucy’s day. I added some pictures in the upper left side of this page since Flickr is being stubborn. They are stitched areas of the piece and stitch diagrams.(added here too)

I started with the black area. It is done in a alternating Tent stitched in vertical rows using #8 pearl cotton. Even using a light cloth and good lighting this was hard to see, a few times I had to turn the canvas over to see if I was on the right track . I also had to resort to stitching this area in the daytime, since even my light did not help.  The lower part of the canvas was stitched with a Double Burden Stitch using 1 strand Caron’s Watercolour: Sandstone. I stitched this area vertically also. The upper portion is a Single Burden Stitch again using 1 strand Sandstone Watercolours. Notice the differences in dye lots between the top and the bottom. I had 4 skeins of Sandstone Watercolours and 3 of them had different dye lots. One was considerably darker than the other three so I used it on the lower portion.

I started pulling every reddish brown wool and wool blend I own for Lucy’s fur, but now I’m not sure that they won’t be too heavy for her fur. Lucy has wispy fur and on a good day she is a bad hair day. I was gong to do: Long & Short or (these are my favorites to tell students when L&S sends them into shock) Random Stitching or Creative Stitching. Random Stitching and Creative stitching always makes Long & Short seem normal. More later when I decide I have a few more ideas mulling around my head.

Okay I am going to spell check this and post it…since this is the third try. I’ve lost the other two. More later but maybe not tomorrow.

Transfer, catch-up and go on

lucyI spent yesterday, trying to transfer my old blog to this blog and have come to the conclusion that I just need to cut and paste. So the old blog is in italicized and editorial comments have been added.

Dec 19, 2007

Everything begins at some point and here is mine… my first post…my first blog.

I have decided to learn to blog in 2008. There are many reasons…first I just want to be able to say I can do this and last Sharon B is going to have an interesting challenge on her blog and I want to be part of this. From time to time I will fill you in on the some other reasons, I’m not sure I have them all sorted out in my head yet.

One thing I do know is I believe we can all learn from each other no matter if we are a designer, teacher or student…and no matter what are level of expertise we may be. Networking is a good thing and I think blogs will further enhance this idea… we never know what will inspire or be that “ah, yes”revelation for us or someone else.

The picture on my blog is Lucy, our dog. She is a cross between a Fox terrier and a Carin Terrier…my husband says she is a “Car-fox”…I say she is a “Foxy Carin.” Whatever you call her she is as spoiled as they get for any dog. Josh, our grandson named her Lucy so when he comes home he can say, “Lucy, I’m home!” (He’s been watching too much old TV) Nevertheless, Lucy is going to be immortalized in needlepoint. The canvas is painted and I have begun to stitch. I will try and get a picture before 2008 and post it.

And that was the first blog…